Who We Are


At GEO4LIFE, we are committed to providing sustainable kitchen products that are just as functional as the plastic products that we have become so accustomed to. We are a family-owned business whose main motivation is ensuring the well-being of our planet for our children and grandchildren. Reusable items like silicone bags, bamboo straws, biodegradable plates and utensils and beeswax food wrappers actively help to limit our carbon footprint and reduce the amount of waste that we produce every day. 

Why Go Green


Every year, 6.4 million tons of plastic waste are released into the ocean worldwide. On average, every person in the United States generates 234 lbs (103 kg) of plastic waste every year, and a staggering amount of that waste ultimately reaches the ocean. Marine wildlife routinely pays the price for the amount of waste we generate every day. By transitioning to reusable plastic substitutes, we limit the amount of plastic waste we produce. Furthermore, the manufacturing of sustainable products has been shown to bolster developing economies worldwide. 

Doing Good and Feeling Great


Contributing to a better Earth can be the first step to not only making a better world but also a better life. Studies show that the positive emotions associated with recycling can lead to decisions that lead to a happier and healthier life. Not only can it be beneficial to yourself but also others! People who see others recycle and being environmentally cautious are more likely to start recycling themselves! Every little bit helps so take the first step to take action and making the world a better place for not only yourself but future generations to come!